If you have any comments or suggestions regarding the quality of service, please leave a request or complaint using one of the following channels:
1. For oral appeals - you can contact the authorized client manager or the head of the client management department or his deputy by phone
+38 044 365 00 06 - Customer Operations Support
+38 044 365 00 05 - Customer Relationship Management
Schedule for receiving oral requests:
From 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Thursday, and from 9:00 to 17:00 on Friday.
2. To submit electronic requests, please send your request:
- using the Feedback Form below
- by e-mail: info@creditwest.ua
The electronic request must also include your e-mail address to which a response may be sent or information about other means of communication with you.
The schedule for receiving electronic applications is round-the-clock.
3. To submit written official requests, please send them to the postal address: 4 Leontovycha St., Kyiv, letter "A, A1", payee JSC "CREDITWEST BANK".
When making an official request, please provide the following information:
- last name, first name, patronymic;
- place of residence;
- essence of the issue, suggestions, comments, positive feedback;
- signature of the applicant;
- date of application.
The term for consideration of the appeal is no more than one month from the date of its receipt.
Schedule for receiving written official appeals:
From 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Thursday, and from 9:00 to 17:00 on Friday.
4. To arrange a personal reception by the Bank's management, please call: +38 044 365 00 01
5. The NBU hotline for citizens: 0 800 505 240
6. To submit an appeal to the NBU regarding the consideration of complaints of financial services consumers, please follow the link.
The status of processing an appeal or complaint can be found by calling: +38 044 365 00 05.
The authorized person is the Head of the Customer Service Department or a person temporarily performing his/her duties.
Feedback form
Here you can leave your feedback, complaints and suggestions regarding the quality of our Bank's work.