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Internet banking

Protection of your deposit


When placing a deposit in JSC “CREDITWEST BANK” you can be sure that your funds are protected, as JSC “CREDITWEST BANK” is a permanent member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund.

Together we ensure stability of your financial future.

Protection of your deposit

Legislative base

When placing a deposit in JSC “CREDITWEST BANK” you can be sure that your funds are protected, as JSC “CREDITWEST BANK” is a permanent member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund.


Three months from the day following the termination or cancellation of martial law in Ukraine, introduced by the Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the introduction of martial law in Ukraine" dated February 24, 2022 N 64/2022, approved by The Law of Ukraine "On Approval of the Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the Introduction of martial law in Ukraine" of February 24, 2022 N 2102-IX (hereinafter - martial law in Ukraine), the amount of the maximum amount of reimbursement of funds for deposits cannot be less than 600 thousand hryvnias.


During the period of martial law in Ukraine and three months from the date of termination or cancellation of martial law in Ukraine, the Fund reimburses each depositor of the bank in the full amount of the deposit, including interest accrued as of the end of the day preceding the day of the start of the procedure for withdrawing the bank from the market , except for cases provided by part four of Article 26 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Deposit Guarantee System of Individuals" (Law of Ukraine "On the system of guaranteeing deposits of individuals").


Informs that on April 13, 2022, the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Ensuring the Stability of the Deposit Guarantee System of Individuals" entered into force. No. 2180-IX dated 01.04.2022 (hereinafter - the Law). Publication of the Law: "Voice of Ukraine" No. 84 dated 04/12/2022.


"On Amendments to Some Laws of Ukraine Regarding Ensuring the Stability of the Deposit Guarantee System of Individuals"  See here


  1. Copy of the Fund member's certificate
  2. Information about the deposit guarantee system of individuals on the Fund's official website
  3. Funds that the Fund does not reimburse
  4. Reference on the deposit guarantee system of individuals: See here


Materials of the Guarantee Fund:


  1. Video materials on financial education< /a>
  3. To depositors and creditors
  4. Information brochure about the Foundation, its mission and vision, values ​​and tasks








Find out more

Sample contract of deposit deposit "Advance", from 04/20/2024 for concluding new contracts with clients

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Sample contract of deposit deposit "Classic plus", from 04/20/2024 for concluding new contracts with clients

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Sample deposit deposit agreement "Classic", from 04/20/2024 for concluding new agreements with clients

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Sample contract of deposit deposit "Bagatii", from 04.20.2024 for concluding new contracts with clients

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Sample contract of deposit deposit "Oberig", from 04/20/2024 for concluding new contracts with clients

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Section 2 Terms and rules for the provision of banking services / Rules for using a payment card are valid from 01.10.2023

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SECTION 2 RULES FOR SERVICING DEPOSIT (DEPOSIT) ACCOUNTS IN CREDITVEST BANK JSC, from 11.27.2023 for concluding new contracts with clients, from 12.25.2023 for existing contracts with clients

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Standard contracts on opening and maintenance of a current account of an individual, an individual entrepreneur

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Sample contract of deposit deposit "Advance", from 04/20/2024 for concluding new contracts with clients

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Sample contract of deposit deposit "Classic plus", from 04/20/2024 for concluding new contracts with clients

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Sample deposit deposit agreement "Classic", from 04/20/2024 for concluding new agreements with clients

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Sample contract of deposit deposit "Bagatii", from 04.20.2024 for concluding new contracts with clients

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Sample contract of deposit deposit "Oberig", from 04/20/2024 for concluding new contracts with clients

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Section 2 Terms and rules for the provision of banking services / Rules for using a payment card are valid from 01.10.2023

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SECTION 2 RULES FOR SERVICING DEPOSIT (DEPOSIT) ACCOUNTS IN CREDITVEST BANK JSC, from 11.27.2023 for concluding new contracts with clients, from 12.25.2023 for existing contracts with clients

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Standard contracts on opening and maintenance of a current account of an individual, an individual entrepreneur

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Details of the Individual Deposit Guarantee Fund

  • Website:

  • Hotline phone:


  • Mailing address:

    04053, Kyiv, str. 17, Sichovyh Streltsiv.

  • Email: