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Internet banking

Protection of personal data

We strive to provide each client with confidence and trust by demonstrating high standards of responsibility and reliability

Protection of personal data

Procedure and procedure for personal data protection

The purpose of personal data processing is the Bank's fulfillment of its obligations to the Client in terms of:

  • providing banking services;
  • identification of Clients (persons authorized to represent interests and sign civil documents on behalf of Clients) for the purpose of financial monitoring; performance by the Bank of the functions of the original creditor of an individual - the Client;
  • implementation of the functions of third parties - counterparties (partners) of the Bank, who will be involved last on a contractual basis in the process of crediting, assignment and/or debt collection, carrying out reinsurance against the risks of job loss, death or permanent loss of working capacity of the Client with the establishment of the Client's I or II group disability as a result of an accident or other risks stipulated in the contracts between the Client and the Bank for the purpose of proper fulfillment by the Bank and the relevant third party of the terms of the concluded contracts, as well as for the process of servicing contracts between the Client and the Bank for the purpose of proper fulfillment of the terms of the concluded contracts by the Bank and the relevant third party;
  • offering any new banking services and/or establishing business relations between the Client and the Bank on the basis of civil law contracts;
  • protection by the Bank of its rights and legitimate interests in judicial and other law enforcement bodies; ensuring the rights and interests of credit history subjects.


Personal data is processed in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Banks and Banking Activities", the Law of Ukraine "On the Organization of the Formation and Circulation of Credit History", the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention and Combating the Legalization of Criminally Obtained Income", the Civil Code of Ukraine, "Storage Rules , protection, use and disclosure of banking secrecy", approved by Resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine No. 267 of July 14, 2016, "Instructions on the procedure for opening, using and closing accounts in national and foreign currencies", approved by Resolution of the National Bank of Ukraine No. 492 of July 14 2006 from November 2, 2003, etc.

Learn more

The order and procedure of personal data protection (excerpt)

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The order and procedure of personal data protection (excerpt)

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Our managers will help you

For more detailed advice on the service, please contact our managers by phone:

+38 (044) 365-00-07, +38 (044) 365-00-05

or at a branch of the Bank.