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‘’Banker as a dream profession‘’

Credit West

JSC ‘CREDITWEST BANK’ took part in educational project on financial literacy ‘’Banker as a Dream Profession‘’ (hereinafter referred to as the Project) initiated by the National Bank of Ukraine on the occasion of the Bankers' Day. The project was held from 20 to 31 May 2024 and was joined by 27 Ukrainian banks.

On July 05, 2024, JSC ‘CREDITWEST BANK’ received an electronic diploma of the financial literacy ambassador for active participation in educational initiatives on financial literacy for children and youth of Ukraine, promotion of successful career guidance and choice of future profession.

We are pleased to announce that Misak Arzumanyan, Head of the Customer Relations Department, took part in the Project and as the most active ambassador received a personalised certificate of appreciation from the NBU and an invitation to a site visit to the NBU.