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Affordable loans 5-7-9%

JSC "CREDITWEST BANK" is a participant of the Government Business Support Program "Affordable Loans 5-7-9%". 


Implemented at the initiative of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the program aims to support the development of micro and small enterprises, as well as the corporate segment businesses, by reducing the cost of loans related to their business activities.

Affordable loans 5-7-9%

Target audience

Business entities, including micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, that are residents of Ukraine: 

  • an individual entrepreneur registered in accordance with the procedure established by law;
  • a legal entity whose ultimate beneficial owners (controllers) are individuals - residents of Ukraine;
  • agricultural producer (as defined in the Law of Ukraine "On State Support of Agriculture of Ukraine");
  • a business entity of the state or municipal sector of the economy.

Business experience

  • Newly established business - up to 12 months from the date of registration. Experience and a business plan for the implementation of the investment project are required.
  • Operating business - more than 12 months from the date of registration. Profitable activity for at least one of the last two reporting years

Restrictions on participation

  • Non-residents of Ukraine
  • Financial companies
  • Manufacturers and/or distributors of weapons, tobacco, alcoholic beverages
  • Currency exchange
  • Real estate leasing as the main activity 
  • Bankruptcy or a business against which bankruptcy proceedings have been initiated or are in the process of termination
  • Debts to the budget, the Pension Fund of Ukraine, social insurance funds
  • Receipt of state aid exceeding 200,000 euros in the last three calendar years

Main parameters

Funding amount:

  • up to UAH 60 million for small, including micro and medium-sized enterprises
  • up to UAH 90 million for agricultural producers;
  • up to UAH 150 million for business entities that
    • carry out activities in the processing industry according to all KVED of Section C of the National Classifier of Ukraine;
    • provide energy services to improve energy efficiency;
    • receive a loan to finance the reconstruction of fixed assets destroyed as a result of military aggression;
    • carry out economic activities in the area of high military risk.

Funding term:

  • up to 120 months for investment loans;
  • up to 36 months for working capital loans.


  • One-time loan disbursement fee - 0.75% of the disbursed amount
  • Commission for operating expenses - 0.75% of the disbursed loan amount

Joint Program with the KRSA

Our Bank has entered into an agreement on joining the joint program of the Entrepreneurship Development Fund with the Kyiv Regional State Administration (KRSA), which provides for additional compensation of interest on investment loans under the program ‘Affordable Loans 5-7-9%’, namely, reduction of the compensation interest rate under such loan agreements to the level of 0 (zero) % per annum

Joint Program with the KRSA

Who can use it?

Entities (including individual entrepreneurs) that are subject to any taxation system and are registered in the Kyiv region in accordance with the procedure established by law as business entities that meet the criteria set out in the KRSA program and have concluded respective loan agreements with JSC ‘CREDITWEST BANK’ to finance investment purposes exclusively under the ‘Affordable Loans 5-7-9%’ program.

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