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Program of the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB)

Financing is provided within the framework of the revolving trade finance programme, which will help to support the international business of JSC ‘CREDITWEST BANK’ customers, namely: expanding financing for those customers who import goods from the BSTDB member countries and supporting exports of goods from Ukraine.

Program of the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB)

Cooperation with the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank

The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB), an international financial institution headquartered in Thessaloniki, Greece, has provided PJSC ‘CREDITWEST BANK’ with USD 5 million loan. USD 5 million loan.


The financing is provided under the trade finance recovery programme.


Such cooperation will contribute to economic benefits for the Ukrainian economy through additional export revenues, tax revenues and increased economic activity within the framework of the financing provided.

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