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Corporate Credit / Non-revolving Credit Line

corp-loans.jpgCorporate Credit / Non-revolving Credit Line is a "Classic" type of financing, in other words this is granting of a credit on the current account of the borrower with one sum or not more the specified limit of the non-revolving credit line to further finance a particular transaction (the purchase of vehicles, equipment or property) with setting the payment schedule / schedule of reduction of non-revolving credit line limit at any suitable for you time, depending on your operating cycle.

If it is necessary, the Bank will give you a grace period up to 12 months, in which you repay only the interest. By means of credit funds your company will be able to update the fixed assets more quickly, purchase property or vehicles without infusion of additional capital or diversion of working capital.

Pricing loan options are set individually for each client and depend on the financial state, status of a client (current client or new client), pledge, availability of the grace period and payment schedule.

Basic parameters of the Corporate Credit/Non - Revolving Credit Line:

Amount: 50-70% of the credit object value and depending on the borrower's financial state

Loan term: up to 36 months

Interest: The size of the interest rate determined by the decision of the Credit Committee of the Bank

Grace Period: from 3 to 12 months

Payment schedule of the Principle: equal installments monthly / quarterly basis after the grace period

Commission: starting from 1-2%** for setting limits

Potential Collateral: deposit, real estate, equipment, vehicles. Goods in turnover and property rights are considered only as an additional collateral. Market price of the pledge (excluding deposits) must exceed the loan in 1,5-2 times.

*   -  Depends on the tranches' terms / the collateral / the financial position of the Borrower.
** - Commission fee can be 0% in case of interest rate includes commission amount. Commission can be paid one time or to be paid partially (monthly / quarterly / proportionally, etc.).