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Corporate Credit Line

4.jpgCorporate Credit Line is the possibility to receive multiple loans (tranches) in the limit of renewable (revolving) credit line.

In other words, you have the opportunity to decide when to repay and get again the loans (tranches) at any time to optimize the ultimate cost of the credit product. Credit line is ideally for short-term revolving financing your operating cycle without having to reduce the limit according to schedules of debt repayment or processing an additional collateral under "Classic" loans. Credit line can be used to replenish working capital, to refinance current debt at another creditor bank and other short-term purposes that do not contradict the legislation of Ukraine.

Pricing overdraft options are set individually for each client and depend on the financial state, status of a client (current client or new client), collateral, and term of loans (tranches) within the scope of credit line.

Basic parameters of the Corporate Credit Line:

Amount: Calculated individually, depending on your needs and depending on the borrower's financial state, usually an amount does not exceed the amount of sales revenue during your operating cycle

Term of loans (tranches): up to 24 months

Interest rate: The size of the interest rate determined by the decision of the Credit Committee of the Bank

Commission: starting from 1-2%** for setting limits

Potential Collateral: deposit, real estate, equipment, vehicles. Goods in turnover and property rights are considered only as an additional collateral. Market price of the pledge (excluding deposits) must exceed the loan in 1,5-2 times.

* - Depends on the tranches' terms / the collateral / the financial position of the Borrower.
** - Commission fee can be 0% in case of interest rate includes commission amount. Commission can be paid one time or to be paid partially (monthly / quarterly / proportionally, etc.).